Playful Seals At The Chatham Fish Pier On Cape Cod


It was fun to watch the seals at the Chatham Fish Pier on Cape Cod. They were stalking the fishing boats that had just come in, waiting for the crew to throw some of the fish overboard.


This first photograph is of this seal just lazing around on his back, having a grand old time. The second photograph is of the seals and the seagulls fighting to get those fish that the fishermen had just thrown overboard. It was like a fishing frenzy!

White Cedar Swamp Trail In Wellfleet On Cape Cod

I love to hike the White Cedar Swamp Trail in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. It has such diversity. The best part is hiking on the boardwalk over the swamp. It is so cool.

This time of year it is not too wet, but come spring it will be a real swamp! It’s a fun place to take the whole family. Kids love it!

Red Berries On My Flowering Dogwood Tree Here On Cape Cod

We planted a flowering Dogwood tree in out backyard this past summer. It was very pretty with white flowers. Then this fall 1″ ed berries grew where the flower had been. I have never seen a berries like these on a Dogwood tree.

As I researched the red berries,  flowering Dogwood trees have red berries. I learned something new!

Pretty, don’t you think?

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.