The Seaside Goldenrod wildflowers are gorgeous this year and blooming all around the salt marshes here on Cape Cod. I never knew that were different kinds of Goldenrod.
Seaside Goldenrod has larger flowers than all other Goldenrod flowers. The flower are small, just .25 to .5″. The bloom from August through November near the salt marshes, so you still have plenty of time to see these beautiful wildflowers!
I took this photograph at Fort Hill in Eastham. The meadows are full of Goldenrod.
I’ve seen many of these Fly Amanita mushrooms growing along the trails here on Cape Cod. They can be yellow or orange and are about 6″ tall with an umbrella-shaped cap with flakey white warts. They grow in the woods and pastures.
Watch out! These Fly Amanita are deadly poisonous, so don’t go near them!
I haven’t seen a Box Turtle in our yard since the very beginning of summer. Yesterday this Box Turtle sauntered all the way across our back yard into the woods. I wonder if he was looking for a place to hibernate for the winter.
Prior to hibernation, box turtles tend to move further into the woods, where they dig a chamber for overwintering. Eastern box turtles hibernate at depth of about 10 centimeters and frequently stay within .5 from their summer habitat.
If you hike the Silver Spring Trail along the river at the Mass Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, you will see beautiful pink Water-Willow wildflowers all along the sides of the river. They are so pretty.
Water-Willows are a native, aquatic shrub with magenta flowers whose 5 petals grow in whorls where the bright green leaves join the stems. The flowers are small, 1/2-1″ while the plants grow to be 3-9 feet.
I saw these vibrant pink wildflowers flowers a couple of weeks ago. They were spectacular! Have you ever seen a Water-Willow?
It was fun to take a drive down to Nauset Beach in Orleans yesterday and see the huge waves. The wind has been howling and and the rain has been heavy but the beach is always pretty… sun, clouds, rain, storm, wind. It always takes your breath away.
It’s supposed to be windy for the next couple of days, so take a ride down to Nauset Beach and enjoy!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.