Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Day At Chatham Harbor On Cape Cod

There were still a lot of boats in Chatham Harbor a few weeks ago. The sky and the clouds were spectacular for a photo op.

There are many turn-offs from the main road where you can get some pretty good photographs. I took this one off of Route 28 on the way into Chatham. It was such a beautiful day.

Pretty clouds, don’t you think?

Silvery Checkerspot Butterflies On The Bike Trail To Coast Guard Beach

I saw these two Silvery Checkerspot butterflies last September as we were taking a walk down the Cape Cod Bike Trail to Coast Guard Beach. There were a lot of butterflies flitting about that day.

It’s not often that I get two of them on the same flower, so I clicked away! They love the Goldenrod wildflowers.

The walk from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach is pretty any time of the year. It is short and easy and you pass on the bike trail for a bit. There is always a lot to see!

See My New Line Of “Beach Easy” Cape Cod Jewelry


If you love the “Easy Beach Life” then you might like my new line of beach jewelry called “Beach Easy.” They are  fun photographs that depict the easy lifestyle of living at the beach.

You can get them in a key ring, pendant, ornament or wine charm. I thought they would be a fun addition to my photo note cards and combos. Great present for the beach lover!

Visit My Outdoor Eyes Etsy Shop.