It was a glorious sunset the other day at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod Bay. The colors were so vibrant.
Doesn’t get much prettier… I love the sunset on the water!
We are huge Rolling Stones fans! We first saw them in concert in the 90s in Hartford, Connecticut and then in 2006 at a huge outdoor concert. They are truly amazing!
In honor of the Stones’ new album that debuts today, Blue & Lonesome, I thought I would post our new Rolling Stones oil painting. One of our friends in Colorado does wonderful oil paintings of some amazing people including The Stones, Beethoven, Steve Jobs and many, many more. Each one is unique unto itself.
We had been admiring this particular painting of The Rolling Stones for quite a while. So, when we were about to move I said to Phil, “It’s now or never. Do we want this in our new home?” Of course we both said, “YES!” And we love it!
Great painting, don’t you think?