Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Pink Stork’s Bill Wildflowers At Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod

The pink Stork’s Bill wildflowers at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod were spectacular. They were such a vibrant shade of pink!

Stork’s Bill are small pink flowers with 5 petals in  long-stemmed umbrels. The flowers are tiny, only 3/4″ and bloom from April to October.

Have you ever seen a  Stork’s Bill wildflower?

Eastham Historical Society And Original Schoolhouse On Cape Cod

I f you’ve never been to the Eastham Historical Society by the Salt Pond Visitor’s Center on Cape Cod, put it on your list. You can get a tour of the museum and tons of artifacts from old Eastham. It is fascinating.

And…the original schoolhouse adjoins the building so you can get a first hand look at what a typical classroom looked like way back when and even sit in one of the desks. It is really cool, especially for kids.

They have field trips that go there and the students can dress up in period dress, just like the kids who went to school there. What an awakening it is to them!

Red-Tailed Hawk Catching Lunch In Our Yard!

We were in the yard yesterday when we heard some screeching. We both looked up and there were 2 Red-tailed hawks on a branch in the tall tree. One was keeping guard while the other one was killing her prey. We could hear the baby hawk nearby crying for food.


While the one on the left stood guard, the one with the prey put its wings all around it while she killed it. You can see it in the photograph. It was quite a sight. I have never seen anything quite like this before.

She then ate her share and then the hawk on the left finished it off. I guess it’s all part of the food chain…