Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Pretty Purple Spiderwort Wildflowers Are Blooming In Provincetown On Cape Cod.

I remember seeing this beautiful wildflower last year, the purple Spiderwort, blooming along the parking lot at the Beech Forest Trailhead, and there it was again this year.

“The three-petaled spiderwort flowers are usually blue to purple, but may also be pink, white, or red. They only remain open for a day (blooming in morning hours and closing at night), but the multiple flowers will continually bloom for up to four to six weeks in summer.”

Have you seen the pretty purple Spiderworts in the parking lot?

Gorgeous White Solomon Seal Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod.

I was so surprised to see these beautiful Solomon Seal wildflowers growing on the side of the road. I had only seen them before at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

“Solomon’s Seal is known for its graceful and arching stems, which can grow up to 2 to 4 feet in height. The plant features attractive alternate, elliptical leaves that are typically green but can sometimes have a bluish-green hue. One of the distinct characteristics of Solomon’s Seal is its delicate white or greenish-white flowers that hang underneath the arching stems.”

“Its name “Solomon’s Seal” is derived from the legend that King Solomon, known for his wisdom, used the plant’s seal-like markings on its rhizomes to create his royal seal. In various folklore and mythology, the plant is associated with protection, wisdom, and feminine energy.”

Have you ever seen a Solomon Seal wildflower?

The Money Plants Are Blooming Everywhere On Cape Cod.

The Money Plants are gorgeous and blooming on Cape Cod. You can see them along the trails and roads just about everywhere! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

“It gets its nickname from an ancient Chinese story about a poor farmer that prayed to the Gods for wealth and fortune, only to later stumble upon a plant growing in his field. The farmer couldn’t fathom the beauty of the plant, so he began to grow more of them for others to appreciate. Quickly he became one of the wealthiest men in the area through the sales of the plant.”

I always thought it was called a money plant because when it has gone to seed, the pods look like silver coins blowing in the wind.

Wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day! May you see some pretty wildflowers somewhere in your day.

Pretty Spring Starflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod.

The pretty, little Spring Starflowers are blooming along  the sides of the roads on Cape Cod. They are so pretty and delicate with their light purple color and bright yellow center.

”The foliage has an onion-like scent when crushed. The stem grows up to 20 cm (8 in) tall and bears a solitary showy flower in spring (hence the Latin name uniflorum – “single flower”). Each honey-scented, star-shaped flower has six pointed lobes up to 3 centimeters long in shades of very pale to deep purple-blue.”

Have you ever seen a Spring Starflower?

Yellow Charlock Mustard Wildflowers Are Starting To Bloom All Over Cape Cod.

It’s so nice to see a splash of yellow along the sides of the roads and trails. The yellow Charlock Mustard wildflowers are starting to bloom everywhere.

This Charlock Mustard Wildflower is a delicate wildflower with 4 yellow petals. It grows 1-3 feet high from May to September. Have you seen any of these pretty wildflowers this spring?