Tag Archives: Nauset Marsh

Quite The Sailing Adventure At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

As we were taking a hike at Fort Hill a couple of days ago, we saw this sailboat out on the water on Nauset Marsh, which is very unusual. We’d only seen a sailboat on the marsh only once before as it is so difficult to sail there. It looked like it had started out near the Salt Pond. It was really windy and it was moving pretty fast!

It’s not easy to sail through the marsh with the small, little tributaries and high grasses, but it was high tide and the skipper was maneuvering it very well. We kept watching it through each opening along the trail and it looked like he was having quite the ride! What fun! He must be a pretty seasoned sailor!

The Bridge On Nauset Marsh Trail On Cape Cod.

Nauset Marsh Trail is one of my favorite trails. It is always so pretty and there is so much to see. No matter how many times you hike over this bridge on the trail by the salt pond, it always looks different and always so pretty.

Have you ever hiked over this bridge?

Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod Is Always So Picturesque.

There is always so much to see at Hemenway Landing, whether it be kayakers setting out for a  nice paddle or  fishing boats coming back in from a long day of fishing.

Or, just looking out and seeing these boats at Nauset Marsh with Coast Guard Station in the distance.  So pretty…

Beautiful Halloween Pennant Dragonfly On Cape Cod!

We were hiking along the Nauset Marsh Trail when we saw this flicker of something shining on one of the tall reeds by the side of the trail. It looked like a dragonfly so we clicked  away. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It is a Halloween Pennant Dragonfly which is a brightly colored dragonfly that lives in the eastern United States. It gets its name from its orange colored wings which have dark brown bands marking them. It is often seen perched on tips of vegetation near the edges of a waterway, which is exactly where we saw it.

What an treat and a first for us! Have you ever seen a Halloween Pennant Dragonfly?