Tag Archives: Featured

Pretty Little, White Snowdrop Flowers In Orleans On Cape Cod

I saw my first pretty, little white Snowdrop flowers on the side of the road in Orleans on Cape Cod the other day. They are so delicate.

I couldn’t find them in my flower book so my friend Alice, who is a guru in flower identification, helped me out. Thank you, Alice!

Snowdrops, which are perennials, produce one small (1″ or less), white flower, which hangs down off its stalk like a “drop” prior to opening. When the bloom opens, the eye beholds 3 outer petals arching out over 3 inner petals. Snowdrops flower early in the year so you should plant them where you can easily see them, even under  tree because they bloom before the leaves come out!

I might have to plant some Snowdrop bulbs at my new house. They are so pretty and such a treat to find this time of year!



Great Collection Of Colorful Buoys In Orleans On Cape Cod

The colorful buoys on the side of this garage in Orleans on Cape Cod are a sure sign that we live in a coastal town. You can see buoys and lobster pots everywhere.

This was especially colorful with all of the different kinds of buoys displayed outside for all to see and enjoy.

Looks pretty beachy, don’t you think?