Tag Archives: Cape Cod Kayaking

Another Gorgeous Kayaking Day On Cape Cod

It was another picture-perfect day for kayaking the Nauset Marsh out to Nauset Spit. We launched from Goose Hummock, so it was a nice long paddle. And yes, we did see a few seals along the way.

We remembered our folding seats that fit in the hatch, so that was a big treat at lunchtime. Just sit down, relax and enjoy those last days of summer.

It doesn’t get much prettier!

Glorious Day To Kayak Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod

Yesterday was the perfect day to kayak Nauset Marsh…or any place… on Cape Cod. The weather was perfect… sunny and warm and hardly a ripple on the water.

We launched from Hemenway Landing on Nauset Marsh and were able to paddle out to Nauset Spit the “back way” by Coast Guard Station because it was high tide. At low tide, you cannot get through with all of the sandbars. The water is way too low, even for a kayak.

It was beautiful and we saw lots of different shore birds from Egrets and Great Blue Herons and Cormorants and Sanderlings and Yellowlegs and more. As we neared Nauset Spit we could see some heads bobbing in the water and then a quick splash and a dive under. Yes, the seals were swimming in Nauset Marsh near Nauset Spit. Hopefully the Great Whites won’t follow them in…

An awesome time to get lost in the beauty of Nauset Marsh and everything it has to offer!

Spectacular Day For Kayaking Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod

It was a glorious day… sunny with little wind and a perfect day to take our kayaks out on the water. We launched at Good Hummock in Orleans and paddled Town Cove to Nauset Marsh and then out along the outer beach to Nauset Spit. It couldn’t get any prettier!

We stopped for a bit to rest and had some lunch. There were a lot of boats in the water and many kayakers enjoying the day.  We took a different route back and paddled  in through Nauset Marsh, going by Fort Hill and Hemenway Landing. So beautiful…

It was definitely a “pinch me” day! 🙂