It’s such a treat to see some colors coming out in the spring here on Cape Cod. You can see the dark bluish-purple Grape Hyacinth, which only grows to about 4” tall, along the roads and in yards. Such a nice splash of color after so many rain-filled and cloudy days.
Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers
Beautiful Yellow Daffodils On Cape Cod For Easter!
Spring is coming… very slowly! We’ve had a few warm days and a lot of cold, windy, rainy days. But, the Daffodils are starting to bloom and bring some vibrant color to the landscape.
Wishing you all a Happy Easter! May the Easter Bunny bring you lots of chocolate and may you find a few minutes to get outside and enjoy everything outside!
Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown On Cape Cod.
The Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown is so diverse. You never know what birds or animals or wildflowers you might see as you hike on the trail over the boardwalks or up the steps. (Click on blog link for other photos.)
It’s always been one of my favorite hikes… no matter what time of the year.
Have you ever hiked the Beech Forest Trail?
The Pretty, White Snowdrop Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod.
We had to wait for the snow to melt this year before we could see the delicate, white Snowdrop wildflowers blooming on the hillside under the trees. (Click on blog link for other photo.)
Fun facts:
1. “Snowdrops were named after earrings not drops of snow.
2. There are more than 2,500 varieties of snowdrop wildflowers.
3. They are symbolic of spring, purity and religion.
4. Snowdrops are one of the first flowers to appear in the new year. In the northern hemisphere snowdrops can be seen appearing as early as January, weather permitting. They usually flower between the months of January and April.”