The unique Indian Pipe wildflowers are blooming all along the Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown. They are such an interesting wildflower. (Click on blog link for other photo.)
Indian Pipe, a whitish, waxy, scaly wildflower with nodding bell-shaped flowers, is a plant with no chlorophyll which is why it is not green. It gets its nutrients from decaying matter. The flowers are about 1″ while the plant grows from 4-10 inches in the rich woods.
Have you ever seen an Indian Pipe wildflower? Such an interesting wildflower…
I haven’t seen a Killdeer on Cape Cod in a long, long time, so this was such a treat when I saw a bird with a distinct striped neck by the little tidal pond. (Click on blog link for other photos.)
I clicked away and then put it on my iBird PRO Sleuth App and knew it was indeed a Killdeer. And then, when I got home and put it on my computer, I realized that there were two of them!
I usually take an early morning bike ride but yesterday morning was so hot, I thought I would take a walk instead. I’m not sure if I would have seen this spectacular view if I’d been on my bike.
Last night was quite a scene in our backyard with 3 Northern Flicker chicks wanting to get fed. They were all perched on top of our feeders while Dad would get some suet and then fly up and feed one at a time. It was just precious.
Have you ever seen anything so adorable?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.