Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Great Blue Heron Fishing At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

This Great Blue Heron was fishing for lunch the other day as we walked by on the boardwalk between Doane Rock Trail and Coast Guard Beach. (Click on blog link for other photo.) You can see he has already caught his lunch in the first photograph, while in the 2nd photograph he is trying to catch his meal.

What a great hike! You never know what you will see. There is always something going on by Nauset Marsh. Make sure you look on both sides of the bridge as you walk by. You might even see a Great Blue Heron catching his lunch!.

Beautiful Hermit Thrush At My Feeder Yesterday On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was such a dark and dreary, rainy day. Not much you can do outside on a day like that! I happened to look out the window at the feeders, wondering if there might be anything out there feeding. Hmmm… There was this bird perched on top of the feeder just looking around. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It didn’t look like anything I’d ever seen before so I grabbed my camera and clicked away. And then I put it on my computer and said, “Wow!” I looked in my Sibley book and thought it might be a Thrush, and at my feeder in the middle of winter. It was a first for me!

To identify exactly what type of bird it was,I contacted a good friend  of mine who happens to be the Executive Director at Wild Care Cape Cod, Stephanie Ellis. She got right back to me verifying that it was a Hermit Thrush. Wow! Thank you, Stephanie!

Wild Care Cape Cod is a wonderful wildlife rehabilitation center in Eastham on Cape Cod that helps sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Last year Wild Care provided care for 1,865 animals. “They exist to help wildlife and only with support can they make this possible. A donation of any size will help.” They even have a Smile and Wish List on Amazon!

Thank you, Stephanie for your help yesterday and also for the wonderful job you do at Wild Care!


Love The Bluebirds At Our Birdhouse Here On Cape Cod… Will They Stay?

These two Bluebirds have been hanging out at the  birdhouse right by our bedroom window. They go in and out and perch on top for long periods of time. I wonder if they will “move  in” and make this their home for the winter. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Keeping my fingers crossed…