There were quite a few bricks on Boat Meadow Beach when I went for a walk there the other day. I wondered how they got on the beach. Had they been buried under the sand and been uncovered from the series of storms that we’ve had over the winter?
The interesting part was that there two squares of bricks and they looked like they were stuck together with cement.
It would be fun to write a story on where they came from… a home that used to be there? I thought of Billingsgate Island on Cape Cod Bay that used to have many houses and a lighthouse on it, only to be covered with water years ago. You can only see it at low tide now.
I love Cape Cod Bay at low tide! It is so much fun to walk way out on the flats when you know that, in another few hours, they will be covered by water. Sometimes I even plan my walks so I can get there at low tide.
I thought this was a really pretty photograph where you can see the flats and where the water recedes at low tide.
I loved this silhouette of the Great Blue Heron while he was feeding on the mudflats at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. I thought it was such a dramatic photograph.
It was such a treat to see this family of Swans at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod Bay the other day. At first I thought they were white buoys that had washed in during the storm, but, as they got closer to shore, I realized they were Swans. I have never seen Swans swimming there before.
Pretty, don’t you think? The juvenile was just following along behind mom and dad. So cute!
It has been freezing here on Cape Cod for the past couple of weeks with high winds. But that doesn’t deter the die-hard kite surfers who love the wind and don’t mind the cold.
I thought this was pretty cool the other day. It was 27 degrees with at least 25 mph winds and he looked like he was having a blast! Look at those white caps on Cape Cod Bay!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.