Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Full House At Our Bluebird Feeders On Cape Cod.

It was so cold last week that the Bluebirds, and all of the other birds in our yard, couldn’t get enough to eat. I was filling our Bluebird mealworm feeders 3 times a day.

I loved this photograph with the 4 Bluebirds chowing down while 3 others sat on top patiently waiting their turn.

Adorable, don’t you think?

Beautiful Little Eastern Bluebird Keeping Warm In the Sun In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

When the sun gets higher in the sky, about mid-morning, the Bluebirds like to find a little branch in the sun and bask in the warmth. Sometimes you can see Bluebirds on many of the little branches way up high in the sun. This guy was about 30 feet high in the tree and there were probably 4-5 other ones on nearby branches enjoying the warm sun.

This little Bluebird was all puffed up up trying to keep warm in the cold, cold weather that  we have been having!

Little Downy Woodpecker Still Roosting In Our Bird House On Cape Cod!

Every morning about 7:30 I look out at the bird house outside of our bedroom window and see if my little friend, Downy, is awake yet. Sometimes I can see a little movement inside… he must be straightening up. 🙂 Usually within minutes, he sticks his little head out and looks around for a while. He is so cute! (I posted a blog about him in October when he first moved in and he is still living here. How cool is that!)

It is such a treat to have this little guy greet me each day. He stays for  a bit and looks around and then heads to the suet. Not a bad life… free room and board and free baths and water. Maybe he’ll stay a while longer. Sure hope so!