Tag Archives: Cape Cod Bay

Glorious Day For A Bike Ride On Cape Cod!

From the blizzard last week to 62 degrees yesterday… Wow! The snow is almost all gone and it feels like spring!

So, I got my bike out and took my first bike ride of the season! It was awesome! I have never biked in February and I even wore shorts! How cool is that?

This is my “selfie” at Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay.. My arm isn’t quite long enough, but you can get the picture. 🙂

Winter Kite Surfing On Cape Cod Bay

It was a windy day and there were plenty of kite surfers out enjoying the perfect windy conditions. This kite surfer was in the salt marsh that was flooded at high tide. He was really enjoying himself.

Love how he caught the wind and was airborne. Cool, don’t you think?

It seems like the clouds in so many of my recent posts have been unbelievable… just spectacular! Wonder if it’s the winter clouds?