Tag Archives: Cape Cod Bay

Rare, Thick-Billed Murre At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

Phil and I were enjoying a glorious day at Boat Meadow after the snowstorm last week when I saw this duck out of the corner of my eye. It was swimming close to shore and didn’t look very familiar. I had my camera so I clicked away.

I checked my Sibley when I got home but all I came up with was a Thick -Billed Murre which is rare around here, especially on the bayside.

I waited until our friend, who is an astute birder,  returned from his vacation and showed him my photograph. Yes, it was a Thick-Billed Murre and he was most jealous! He has never seen one .

How cool is that?!

A Snowy First Encounter Beach Parking Lot On Cape Cod In Black And White

This was such a cool photograph of First Encounter Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod after the snow storm. I loved the tire tracks and just the desolateness of it all.

I liked it in black and white. What do you think?

It’s Almost Picnic Time At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod

It was a glorious day at Boat Meadow in Eastham on Cape Cod! The temperatures were in the 50s and the sun was shining brightly. Perfect day for a walk on the beach  at low tide when you can walk out for miles.

And… it’s almost time for a picnic on the beach. The benches are empty now, but not for long!

I can’t wait!

Little Sanderling At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod Bay

This little Sanderling was all by itself at Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay. I don’t usually see them alone.

I wonder if the others were hiding out in the tall grasses because it sure was a cold, windy winter day!

Cute little guy, don’t you think?