Every time I walk by this dead piece of wood, it reminds me of an angry bird getting ready to take flight. So, I finally decided to take a photograph of it and post it. (Look at the full photo to really see it!)
I asked Phil for his opinion and he thought I was “really stretching it!” Ha!! But, can’t you see the bill with the little knob on it and his head with the protruding eyes…?
The tides were pretty high at Nauset Light Beach as you can see all of the driftwood that has washed ashore. And when the tides get that high, especially in the winter months, you can’t even walk on the beach. The water goes right up to the dunes!
As the winter storms were gauging out the dunes by Coast Guard Station, the extra sand was being deposited down the beach toward Nauset Spit. I took this photograph at high tide where you can see the huge beach. Earlier this year you could not even walk down the beach at high tide as the water line was much, much higher.
Beautiful, don’t you think? I wonder what Mother Nature has in store for the rest of the winter months?
I kept looking at this sea bird in the water as we walked along Coast Guard Beach. It was pretty far out and looked like it was black, but every once in a while, I could see a bit of orange and white. (Click on blog link for other photo.)
As it swam closer to shore I could see that it was indeed a Surf Scoter. What a gorgeous bird! Look at those colors on its head and bill.
Have you ever seen a Surf Scoter? I really liked the many reflections in the water of its head in the 2nd photograph. What do you think?