Tag Archives: Fort Hill

Beautiful Northern Flicker At Fort Hill On Cape Cod On A Foggy Morning.

It was so foggy yesterday morning that it was hard to even see Nauset Marsh. And then this little Flicker stopped by. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It was pecking around for a long while on the ground and then flew up to the fence. Why not try to make lemonade out of lemons on a foggy morning?

I opened my window and clicked away. What do you think?

Indian Rock At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

It was a beautiful, sunny day at Fort Hill and the light on Indian Rock at Skill Hill at Fort Hill was just beautiful. You can really see the carvings in the rock made by the Native Americans.

Indian Rock was a “community grinding rock, one of four such rocks found in the Nauset area. The Indians used the abrasive qualities of the fine-grained metamorphic rock to grind and polish implements made of stone and animal bones, such as stone axes or bone fishhooks.

Indian Rock was originally located in the mud of the marsh below where it now sits on Skiff Hill. The National Park Service moved the 20-ton boulder to this site in 1965.”


The Trail At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod In Black And White Or Color?

There is a beautiful trail along Nauset Marsh from Hemenway Landing. It’s not very long, but oh, so pretty! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

I can’t decide if I like it better in black and white or in color. What do you think?

Do You Know What Lives In A Stone Wall On Cape Cod?

I hike by stones walls on the Cape all the time and think what a great photo they make. And I wonder how long they’ve been there and who built them?

But I never really thought about what lives in them until I posted a blog on Fort Hill a couple of weeks ago and my friend, Linda commented:

“While a single pile of rocks might attract a few chipmunks or white-footed mice, imagine that rodent-friendly habitat chained together for miles. Then think about the minks and snakes, the foxes and owls that prey on those rodents and you see how the effect is multiplied up the food chain. Stone walls can, literally, make our landscape come alive.”

Thank you, Linda, for opening up my eyes! It’s is really cool to think about what little creatures might live in these old stone walls.