Gorgeous Baltimore Oriole In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

We have so many Baltimore Orioles that come to feed on our jelly feeder that sometimes it’s hard to get a photograph of them not on a feeder.

This guy obliged by flying up to a branch in the tree when he was finished. Gorgeous, don’t you think?

And… I found a Baltimore Oriole’s nest in our yard. I’ll keep you posted!

2 thoughts on “Gorgeous Baltimore Oriole In Our Yard On Cape Cod.”

  1. Audubon Fun Fact:

    ” Like many English language words, “oriole” has Latin roots. It comes from aureolus, Latin for “golden.”

    “The English naturalist Mark Catesby, who visited eastern North America for several years in the early 1700s, reported that people in Virginia and Maryland called this species “the Baltimore-Bird” because males wore orange and black: the heraldic colors of Lord Baltimore, patron of the Maryland colony.”


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