Hiking At Kent’s Point On Cape Cod.

We love hiking at Kent’s Point in Orleans. The trails through the woods and along the beach are always just beautiful. I took this photograph a couple of weeks ago when the sailboat was still in the water and the green leaves were still on the trees. So pretty, don’t you think?

Have you ever hiked at Kent’s Point?

One thought on “Hiking At Kent’s Point On Cape Cod.”

  1. “This land contains more than a mile of undeveloped shoreline, and fronts on Lonnie’s Pond, Little Pleasant Bay and Frost Fish Creek. The main trail to the former Kent house site goes up the center of the property leading to a handicapped-accessible boardwalk overlooking The River and the northern portion of Pleasant Bay. More than 30 great blue herons have been seen in the Frost Fish cove on a cold winter day.”


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