Time To Clean Out Your Bird Houses On Cape Cod.

It’s that time of the year when all of the little chicks have fledged and it’s time to clean out their bird houses to get ready for next spring…. Or, maybe someone might move in there for  the winter months. We frequently have Downy Woodpeckers using our bird houses during the winter.

We found this beautiful nest in our Eastern Screen Owl house. It was so tall and so soft! What a beauty!  The male that we named Hootie lived there for a couple of weeks and was obviously quite busy building this nest. Either his anticipated mate never found  him or a predator stopped by and scared him off.

We cleaned out all of the bird houses and put 2-3” of wood shavings in the Owl House just in case he comes back over the winter or in early spring looking for a nice place to make his home, Fingers crossed…

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