Have you be ever seen a Red-Breasted Merganser? They are the coolest looking birds with their “bad hair” days and their red eyes and beaks. (Click on blog link for other photo.)
You can see the difference in coloring between the male and female. The male is much more vibrant as the females are gray overall. So much fun to watch them!
Fun fact:
“Mergus serrator looks like a duck and swims like a duck, but on closer inspection, there’s something unusual about it.
“This is what’s known as a sawbill, and its beak looks very different than the common mallards, pochards or shovelers, all of whom have much wider, flatter beaks.
“In the Mergansers, they’re larger and sharper and form tooth-like protrusions. A beak like this is great for catching fish, so while the flatter beaked birds are snipping grasses and swilling plant matter, the merganser is actively hunting.
“These ‘teeth’ give the duck its Latin name serrator, and help it grip its prey. While many duck species will eat a fish or two if they can catch them, they’re mostly vegetarian. Mergansers are unusual in that they feed primarily on fish.”