Our First Snowfall This Winter Here On Cape Cod

We woke up yesterday to a few flurries in the morning which soon turned into a real snowstorm. By lunchtime we had about 3″ of fluffy, white snow. The temps were in the mid 20s and much colder than the past few weeks.

We decided to take a ride around to see if there were any good “photo ops” and found the perfect one at Wiley Park. There is an elf or several elves who put out holiday decorations along the trail at the park. It is really quite endearing. Here and there you might see a little santa  or a  little snowman or this little guy smiling at you along the trail. What a wonderful idea for this time of year.

I remember last year someone brought a few ornaments and put them on one of the little trees by the trail, and little by little other people brought an ornament or two and pretty soon the tree was all decked out in holiday festivity. But that tree was cut down last summer so this must be their new idea and what a great one! It brings a smile to you face all along the trail!


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