The Whitetail Deer Are Loving Our Bird Feeders On Cape Cod!

Our motion detector lights went on last night and there were two beautiful Whitetail deer meandering through our yard. Such a sight to see wildlife so close by.

Then, this morning about 7:30 AM Phil yelled, “Come see this!” There in the backyard were the 2 Whitetail deer munching from our bird feeders, one at each feeder. At first we thought, “How cute.” After about 10 minutes of watching them inhale about 5″ of the bird seed out of each feeder we thought “This is cute, but we are going to go broke as those are shelled sunflower seeds they are inhaling!”

Priceless, don’t you think?

3 thoughts on “The Whitetail Deer Are Loving Our Bird Feeders On Cape Cod!”

  1. Priceless for sure…or maybe BIG PRICE!
    Phil conquered the squirrels; this looks like an even bigger challenge!

  2. Wow….those deer sure are pretty and apparently, pretty hungry as well! Hope the birds don’t mind sharing!

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